It may find you early in the morning while asleep or midday on your drive to work; a bolt of tooth pain wakes you up, or an accident impacts your mouth. These are just two examples of numerous conditions, both chronic and acute, that send unmistakable signals that, indeed, you’re experiencing a dental emergency. At Plaza Dental Care in Modbury, we understand how dental emergencies can impact your daily life no matter the source, so we make provisions in anticipation of your call. The last thing our compassionate dental team wants is for you to be traumatized or in pain without relief. So instead, our goal is to help you recognize what to do in the case of five common dental emergencies.

Do You Need Emergency Dentistry in Modbury, SA?

Preparation is the golden rule in addressing a dental emergency. This is how we do it:

1. Lost or broken tooth

Having a tooth knocked out can be a shock, but your quick action might mean your tooth can be reinserted and saved. Recover the tooth carefully, avoid the tooth root, and place it in a container of saliva or milk. Then we hope you’ll call us immediately.

2. Toothache or extreme tooth sensitivity

Pain is a sure bodily signal that you have a problem, and more pain often means a more serious issue. So if you feel tooth pain that interrupts your daily routine, we encourage you to contact us for diagnosis and treatment.

3. Mouth or Gum Swelling

Like pain, your body responds to health threats with inflammation, so if your gums feel puffy and sore, it could indicate an injury or infection. Also, if your jaw joint or TMJ is inflamed, we recommend seeking treatment before the condition becomes chronic.

4. Tooth and gum infection

Symptoms like red, irritated gums or a sore on your gums with a sour taste in your mouth could indicate a progressive dental infection. This should be treated as urgent because infections in your mouth may spread, causing problems with your overall health and well-being.

5. Mouth injury

These are usually the result of trauma and may be more of a medical condition than a dental one. Suppose you have bleeding cuts in your mouth, a possibly fractured or dislocated jaw, or injury to your facial bones. In that case, we recommend you visit the nearest emergency room or urgent care immediately and then contact us.

Know Your Emergency Dentist in Modbury North

Whether you’re an existing patient or a Modbury neighbour, we never want you to endanger your wellness by not seeking urgent care in a dental emergency. We are here to relieve your pain and restore your oral health. Related article: Stages of Tooth Decay

(08) 8264 7333